Fighting !

Usaha tangga kejayaan. Aku tersangat pegang dgn kata-kata tu.
Even mak aku pon suruh berusaha, belajar rerajin.
Ah bkn mak aku sorang je bebel mcm tu. Mak semua orang pon kan.
Dan hari ini telah menampakkan hasilnya.
Tak sia-sia aku stay up hampir setiap malam mengadap bende alah tu.
hihi. GOOD ATTEMPT untuk essay LAW240 aku. Fuh Fuh. kau ingat senang ke?
2 bijik essay pulak tu. Yemme~
Thankyou Mdm Nazida =)
Kata-kata basuhan mu itu sangat meresap dalam hati

Everyday is a new beginning. Treat it that way.
Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be.
Never be ashamed of what you feel, you have the right to feel emotion that you want, and to do what makes you happy.
You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things that you do not want to feel
And thanks to Allah for answering my doa. Amin.